Normally the Vatican does not intervene in the internal affairs of religious orders except in cases of disputed elections. 除非涉及一些有争议的选举,罗马教廷一般不会干预各教派的内部事务。
In cases where it proves difficult to place a child, the reception centre provides long-term care. 遇到难以安置的孩子,收容中心会提供长期的照顾。
Participants in cases decided in lower courts can appeal to their state's highest or Supreme Court. 初级法院审理案件的当事人可以向州最高法院或者最高法院提起上诉。
To make preparations for disaster relief; in cases of natural calamities and emergencies, to offer relief and assistance to the sick, the injured and other victims; (一)开展救灾的准备工作;在自然灾害和突发事件中,对伤病人员和其他受害者进行救助;
In cases of a special need, consent must be obtained from the people's government which made the original announcement on the designation of such a site and from the department for cultural administration at the next higher level. 如有特殊需要,必须经原公布的人民政府和上一级文化行政管理部门同意。
To prevent the formation of urinary calculi, especially in cases where they tend to recur. 用于预防尿路,特别是易发部位的结石的形成。
This can be useful in cases where C functions are called from assembly. 这对于从汇编代码中调用C函数有帮助。
This lack of objective interpretation severely weakens the common practice in cases where the business system must quickly react to new or updated requirements. 这种客观阐述的缺乏在业务系统必须快速地对新的或更新的需求做出反应的情况下严重地削弱了通用实践的能力。
This means that in cases where an account has more than one record, you need to map those multiple records to a single XML document. 这意味着如果一个帐户有多条记录,您需要将这几条记录映射到单个XML文档。
In cases where multiple fixes are available, you can choose which of the solutions you want to apply. 当有多个修复的情况下,您可以选择您想要应用的解决方案。
Linux performs all locking in user space in cases without contention. Linux在没有锁争用的情况下执行用户空间中的所有锁定。
This is typical in cases I refer to as contextual tracing. 通常,我将这种情况称作上下文跟踪。
Immediate event handling is useful in cases where you do not want ( or need) to validate an entire page to process a user input. 即时事件处理在您不希望(或需要)对整个页面进行有效性验证来处理用户输入的情况中非常有用。
But in cases where lines can have multiple instances of a particular pattern, these methods do not give you a true count of the actual number of instances matched. 但是在行中具有某个特定模式的多个实例的情况下,这些方法无法为您提供实际匹配实例数量的真实计数。
However, in cases like those shown above where a large number of images or objects all are attached to the same JavaScript function you end up really cluttering your HTML page. 但是,在类似上述情形(大量图像或对象都附加到同一个JavaScript函数中)的情况下,您最终将真正弄乱您的HTML页面。
As mentioned previously, in cases where this refactoring results in an error, whether flagged or not, you can continue by simply correcting the errors on a case-by-case basis. 前面提到过,在重构引发了问题的情况下,不管问题是否被标出,您都可以一个一个地修正这些问题,以继续下去。
This significantly improves performance in cases where a query, for example, might be for "John Doe" instead of "John A.Doe". 这在进行对诸如“JohnDoe”而不是“JohnA.Doe”的查询时将显著地提高性能。
In cases where you are mapping source and target types that you know will be mapped the same way in other maps, consider using a Submap that you can reuse and share among many mapping files. 如果正在映射的源和目标类型将要以与其他映射相同的方式进行映射,那么考虑使用一个可重用且可在多个映射文件之间共享的Submap。
This is particularly true in cases where processes are not adequately documented, so that knowledge about them resides with just one or a few people. 这在没有充分地编制过程文档的情况下特别突出,所以关于那些过程的知识仅掌握在一个或一些人手里。
In cases where the document is very large, DOM becomes quite memory intensive and performance degrades substantially. 如果文档非常大,DOM就会变得对内存非常敏感,并会显著降低性能。
In cases where that is not possible, a new general step is generated, including the routing information. 如果该情况不发生,则生成新的常规步骤,其中包括路由信息。
Non-database structure differences in cases of using files and directories as data sources. 在使用文件和目录作为数据源情况下的非数据库结构差异。
In cases when the child process is dependent on the parent process, you can use wait functions in parent process to wait for the child process termination. 在子进程依赖于父进程的情况下,您可以在父进程中使用等待函数来等待子进程的终止。
Be aware, that this impacts the performance, even in cases where no process repair is needed. 请注意,这会影响性能,即使不需要流程修复也如此。
In cases where dimensions already exist, they can be inserted and leveraged to reduce modeling efforts in Transformer. 在已经存在维度时,我们可以插入和使用它们来减少Transformer的建模时间。
The only time that you actually need to specify a label is in cases where you have more than one QuickFix for the rule. 唯一您需要指定一个标签的实际时间是为了以防万一您的一个规则有多个QuickFix的时间。
In cases where the user information ( or content) is not stored in a location supported by the wizards, you can write your own resource by implementing a set of Java classes. 如果用户信息(或内容)未存储在向导支持的位置上,您可以通过实现一个Java类集合编写您自己的资源。
In cases where another data type is required, specify the data type attribute to match that of the field in the form? s schema. 在需要其他数据类型的情况中,请指定数据类型属性来匹配表单模式中的字段。
This is especially true in cases where object creation and initialization are expensive. 在对象创建和初始化开销很大的情况下,尤其是这样。